2016, Vol. 1, Issue 1
Relationship between structural and functional ability of Volleyball Players
Author(s): Baljeet Singh and Azad Singh
The aim of the study was find out the relationship between structural and functional ability of volleyball players. For the purpose of the study twenty (20) subjects were selected randomly from different colleges of the Institute of Professional Studies, Gwalior, (M.P.) all the subjects were state level players who have participated in various state level Volleyball competitions. The age group of the subjects ranged between 18 to 28 years. The test use in this study for the collection of data volleyball playing ability Modified Brady Wall Valley Test were selected because they were found to be most reliable and have been used very often in the professional of physical education and sports. Under this test following criteria were measured standing height, weight, Arm Ratio, Speed, Strength, Endurance and playing ability of the subjects. The data pertaining to standing height, weight, for arm and Upper Arm Ratio and Strength was collected in the indoor stadium of Institute of Professional Studies, Gwalior (M.P.). To find out the relationship of selected structural and functional variables to the Volleyball playing ability single Shot research design was applied. To find out the relationship of selected structural and functional variable, the Karl Pearson product moment Correlation was use to test the hypothesis and level of significant was set at 0.05. Within the limitations of the present study it is concluded that there is no significance relationship exist between two structural variables i.e. Weight and for and Upper Arm ratio with Volleyball playing ability.
Pages: 83-85 | 2163 Views 241 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Baljeet Singh, Azad Singh. Relationship between structural and functional ability of Volleyball Players. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2016;1(1):83-85.