Abstract:Pregnant women have been widely recognized as a vulnerable group from health point of view. They need more food than normal person for the proper nourishment of the growing fetus. The field of nutrition of the pregnant women, particularly in rural area, has been sadly neglected.
The present study is a hospital based case control study conducted at Haldia Sub divitional hospital, Purba Medinipur, from Ist May to 31 May 2012.It is an 300 bed hospital with referral population of about 3 laks. It cover the adjoining urban area and peripheral vast rural area as referral hospital of primary health centre and block health centre.
A total of 202 mother were registered for delivery. Eligibility criteria for cases were to deliver a live new born.3 cases were eliminated as because 2 still births occurs to two mothers and one twine was born to one mother. So 199 mothers were eligible for the present study.
A pre-tested structured interview schedule was used for the collection of general information.
The medical data were obtained from hospital record. These include vital age at pregnancy, obstetric history like parity, previous LBW if any, abortion etc. Condition during pregnancy like hypertension, anaemia, diabetics, life style (smoking, alcohol ),weight at the time of delivery were noted from hospital record, weight gain during pregnancy were not obtained After birth each new born weight was taken immediately. The sex of the baby was also noted. The weight of the baby was recorded by the sister and the gynaecologist immediately after the birth. Gestational age at the time of delivery was also noted from the hospital record to see whether the baby born is a full term baby or preterm baby. One or prior to delivery or two days after delivery a questionary method was applied to each mother to obtained data about their socio economic condition, level of education, dietary intake, no of antenatal care visited and time of registration etc.
Hemoglobin level was collected from doctor’s report for observing the anaemic condition. Based upon the analysis, the study finally emphasizes the need for popularizing cultivation of low cost nutrition greens and vegetables in each household and imparting nutrition education to the village women.