Abstract:Introduction: Self-esteem is a widely used concept both in popular language and in psychology. It refers to an individual's sense of his or her value or worth, or the extent to which a person values, approves of, appreciates, prizes, or likes him or herself (Blascovich & Tomaka, 1991). The most broad and frequently cited definition of self-esteem within psychology is Rosenberg's (1965), who described it as a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward the self. Self-esteem is generally considered the evaluative component of the self-concept, a broader representation of the self that includes cognitive and behavioral aspects as well as evaluative or affective ones (Blascovich & Tomaka, 1991). While the construct is most often used to refer to a global sense of self-worth, narrower concepts such as self-confidence or body-esteem are used to imply a sense of self-esteem in more specific domains. It is also widely assumed that self-esteem functions as a trait, that is, it is stable across time within individuals. Self-esteem is an extremely popular construct within psychology, and has been related to virtually every other psychological concept or domain, including personality (e.g., shyness), behavioral (e.g., task performance), cognitive (e.g., attributional bias), and clinical concepts (e.g., anxiety and depression).
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to compare the self-esteem variable between trainees of Bachelor of Physical Education and Bachelor of Education.
Methodology: The purpose of the study was to assess the level of self-esteem variable between under graduate Education and Physical Education trainees. The raw data pertaining to self-esteem variable of these Physical Education and Education trainees of Shivamogga and Bhadravathi talluk were selected as subjects on random sampling technique. Totally 120 Subjects were selected, 60 subjects from physical education and 60 students from education. The data was collected by administering standardized questionnaires. Self-esteem assessment questionnaire formulated by Williams (2000) was used to test the level of self-esteem.
Results: To achieve the purpose of the study data collected was subjected to statistical analysis. The mean, standard deviation and t-ration were obtained by using standard statistical package for social sciences (SPSS 20th Version).
Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present study and on the basis of findings in psychological variables, it is observed from the study was self-esteem variables in some areas such as Intelligence, Personality, Success, and Freedom from Guilt is not significant.