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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education

Impact Factor (RJIF): 5.48

ISSN: 2456-0057

2017, Vol. 2, Issue 1
Effect of yogic practice on emotional intelligence, stress and examination fear among college going students
Author(s): Dr. Taraknath Pramanik and Dr. DR Yadav
Four hundred (400) college going students were selected randomly as subjects from Noida college of Physical Education, DhoomManikpur, Dadri (U.P), R.V. Northland, Dadri (UP), M.M.H. College Modi Nagar (UP) and Janta Degree College Patla (UP) with the age group ranging between 17to 22 years. A total of 200 subjects was categorized under treatment group and rest was in control group. The training was between 7am to 10 am. The variables selected for the study were Emotional Intelligence, Stress and Examination Fear, Mangal’s Emotional Intelligence Inventory by Dr. S.K. Mangal and Mrs. SubhraMangel (2004), Stress Scale by Dr. M. Singh (2002) and Examination Fear Scale by Dr. A. Ghani (2004). The collected data was analyzed by computing Descriptive statistic (Mean & Standard Deviation), ANCOVA and Coefficient of correlation. Within the limits and limitations of the present study it was concluded those 45 days of yogic training had improved on Emotional Intelligence, Examination Fear and Stress of college going students. A significant difference was found on Emotional Intelligence when it was tested between Control group and Experimental Group but no significant difference was found on Emotional Intelligence when it was tested between Male and Female. A significance difference was found on examination fear when it was tested between control group and experimental group but no significance difference was found on examination fear when it was tested between Male and Female. A significance difference was found on stress when it was tested between control group and experimental group but no significance difference was found on stress when it was tested between Male and Female.
Pages: 348-352  |  436 Views  87 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Dr. Taraknath Pramanik, Dr. DR Yadav. Effect of yogic practice on emotional intelligence, stress and examination fear among college going students. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2017;2(1):348-352.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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