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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2017, Vol. 2, Issue 2
Decrease in performance during repeated short sprint runs
Author(s): Ľuboslav Šiška and Jaroslav Broďáni
The aim of this work was to design a specific speed-endurance test with the duration of a competitive boxing match. The test consisted of repeated short 5 m sprints triggered by an acoustic signal. The time was recorded by photoelectric cells and the subject carried out 54 sprints divided into 3 rounds, separated by a 1 minute break. Regarding the inner response of the athlete's body, we monitored the heart rate and blood lactate level. The test criterion was time and the subsequent gradual decrease in performance during the test (index of fatigue). The average time in each round was 1.038 sec. in the first round, 1.076 sec. in the second round and 1.116 sec. in the third round. The t-test showed a statistically significant change between the first and second round and first and third round at 1%, and second and third round at a 5% significance level, whereby the effect size coefficient showed a marginal effect between the second and third round totaling 0.46 and significant effect between the first and second round and first and third round of 0.57 and 0.84 respectively. The fatigue index in the individual rounds totaled 16.15%, 16.76%, and 21.96%. The heart rate value in the individual rounds totaled 155-168, which was 88-95% of the maximum measured heart rate of the athlete. There was a 22 to 25 heartbeat rate decrease between the rounds. The blood lactate in the 4th minute after the load was 12.9 mmol and it dropped to 6 mmol in the 15th minute after the load. The average time increased with the repeated performance of the sprint run, and so did the fatigue index as an indicator of special endurance in each round, which is defined as one of the limiting performance factors in combat sports. The test can be used as a training and diagnostic tool – we propose to analyze it further in terms of intensification (increase in the number of short sprints) as well as the distance of the short sprint, and perform a subsequent comparison with a competitive or practice match.
Pages: 239-242  |  1218 Views  147 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Ľuboslav Šiška, Jaroslav Broďáni. Decrease in performance during repeated short sprint runs. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2017;2(2):239-242.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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