Abstract:Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. Yoga is based on the philosophy that is practical and useful for our daily lives. Yoga constructs desirable physiological alterations and has sound scientific foundations.
In this modern world we are struggling for survival and we human beings suffer from more and more physical and psychological stress and strains. We cannot always control them, but we can find out the ways to face them and to this end Yoga is a good creation. Human beings are so busy with their personal lives that they have even forgotten the correct way to breathe.
Therefore, integration of head, heart and hands is the theme of yoga in the 21st century, along with awareness of our spiritual nature, which has to be nourished like the roots of a tree. If you want to experience the depth of yoga, then immerse yourself in this idea: live, love and laugh. Have one thought in mind: “No matter how many times I fall, I will always get up smiling and keep on walking.†So, smile and walk. Yoga is the only technique through which the body of any human being can be healthy without any trainer, equipment and medicine.
The study makes an attempt to analyse the role and importance of yoga as a science in 21st century.