2017, Vol. 2, Issue 2
Effectiveness of psychological relaxation technique on the somatic state anxiety of athlete
Author(s): Manoj Singh
The reason for the present investigation was to discover the adequacy Psychological Relaxation Technique on the somatic state Anxiety of Athlete. The investigation was directed on two hundred (N= 200) university level players of individual games. These 200 athlete were partitioned into five groups, 40 in each group of Galvanic Skin Response, Electromyography, Autogenic Training and PMR and Yog Nidra separately. All are of 18 to 28 years old to discover the adequacy of Psychological Relaxation Technique on somatic state Anxiety level of Athletes. Right off the bat, all subjects were given an educated agree letter to sign to be a subject for the present examination with their own will. The analyst was request that the player fill The Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) by Rainer Marten survey and in the wake of directing the test the examiner gathered pre score of somatic state anxiety. These five distinct gatherings were presented to chose Psychological Relaxation Technique. At that point to watch the impact of these unwinding systems ANCOVA is connected trailed by match astute correlation with see the slightest critical contrast. The level of signifance pick in to test the speculations was 0.05, P<0.05. Results GSR and Electromyography demonstrated the huge contrast in contrast with other relaxation techniques.
Pages: 738-740 | 1179 Views 210 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Manoj Singh. Effectiveness of psychological relaxation technique on the somatic state anxiety of athlete. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2017;2(2):738-740.