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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2017, Vol. 2, Issue 2
Status of serum calcium in football players at different levels of participation
Author(s): Sanjeev Kumar
Background: The sports scientists, trainers, coaches and dietitian throughout the world are working to find out the methods to cap-up the physiological and psychological demand of such competitive sports like football. The purpose in the present study had made an attempt to find out the concentration of calcium (the most important electrolyte) in the blood of football players participating at different levels i.e.-inter-University future college level players and that of Non-Sportsman also. Material and Method: To fulfill the purpose of study total blood sample of 115 at different levels that ages were above 17 years has been collected. For the collection of blood sample the investigator has visited Kurukshetra. University and maharishi Dayanand University football coaching camp, inter-college tournament and the blood sample of Non Sportsman were collected from various colleges with the help of trained technician. Statistical technique’t’ test was used to compare the data. Level of significance was at 0.01 level. Result: After analysis the date no significant difference between Conlentration of calcium present in the blood of Non-Sportsman and inter college level players. Where a significant difference was found between Non-sportsman and inter-university level football players as in the both groups, the mean difference is in Favor of inter-university level players. So we can conclude that football players participating at inter-university level are having significantly better concentration of calcium in their blood as compare to the Non-sportsman similarly a significant difference was found in the concentration of calcium in between inter-college and inter-university level football players. Again we can conclude that inter-university level players ware having significantly batter concentration of calcium in their blood as compare to inter college level. We can also conclude that as the level of performance improve the concentration of calcium also improve in their blood serum.
Pages: 795-797  |  1246 Views  162 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Sanjeev Kumar. Status of serum calcium in football players at different levels of participation. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2017;2(2):795-797.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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