2017, Vol. 2, Issue 2
Effect of yogic training on physical and mental health of under graduate student
Author(s): Pratibha Bhaskar Dhake
The main objective of this study was to assess the comparative effect of yogic training on physical-mental health of under graduate student. The exercises to keep healthy every time, Yoga is a bridge between body and brain. The brain function is main of whole the body. Yoga is a union of mind, body and soul, together with super spiritual soul. Yoga concerns itself with the evolution and refinement of consciousness and not of the physical body alone. To this end all Yogic process aims to control the ‘Panic Energy’ and thought it influencing and steadying the mind and then achieving the state of Super consciousness. The subjects of this study were assigned on the basis of simple random sampling into treatment groups i.e. Experimental and Control group containing thirty subjects each. Physical and Mental Health was measured by self-made questionnaire. The statements of the questionnaire was finalized by the help of guidance by experts and also by conducting a pilot study, made necessary corrections and then the questionnaire was finalized, consisted of 20 statements for Physical health and 42 statements for Mental health. The questionnaires reliability was found for Physical Health Test was 0.86 and for Mental Health Test was 0.82. There physiological measurements were taken by measuring their B.M.I., Blood Pressure, and Pulse rate. Pulse rate was measured by Harvard step test. The six week training programmed was conducted. Some selected yogic exercises were given to the experimental group and on the other hand control group performs their daily routine regular yogic exercises. The ‘mean’ and ‘t-test’ were used for statistical treatment of the data. The results of this study, on the basis of statistical analysis, some significant results were drawn that the experimental groups have more efficient and better physical and mental health than control group. Further the study reveals that yoga has all the essentials to improve physical and mental health.
Pages: 317-319 | 1200 Views 115 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Pratibha Bhaskar Dhake. Effect of yogic training on physical and mental health of under graduate student. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2017;2(2):317-319.