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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education

Impact Factor (RJIF): 5.48

ISSN: 2456-0057

2017, Vol. 2, Issue 2
Association between physical performances with educational stress of female adolescent
Author(s): Ramesh Naik K, Dr Gajanana Prabhu B and Dr. J Gnanabakthan
Regular participating in physical activity, sports and such allied activities innumerable benefits during adolescents leisure time pursuits should be physically demanding and mentally soothing. There academic pressure places tremendous demand on the adolescents. To cope with such stresses, being physically active and very important. Physically active child demonstrates higher physical, mental and emotional effectives are compared to its inactive counterpart. (Jonatan R, et al., (2010). Academic stress is mental distress with respect to some anticipated frustration associated with academic failure or even unawareness to the possibility of such failure. Students have to face many academic demands, for example, school examination, answering questions in the class, showing progress in school subjects. Understanding what the teacher is teaching, competing with other class mates, fulfilling teachers and parents academic expectations. These demands may tax or exceed available resources of the students. As a consequence, they can be under stress, since the demand is related to achievement of an academic goal (Lal, 2014). Adolescence is important stage of life where in an individual’s personality get shaped. The child stress to prove itself in the competitive world. Academic achievement is the first priority during this period. The child engages in academic pursuits at the cost of being physically active. A strong positive correlation between academic achievement and physical performance is repeatedly established among almost all population. (Kundu and Tutoo, 2004). This paper is an attempt to explore the influence of physical performance on educational stress. To achieve the purpose of the study necessary data was collected from 635 subjects of high schools in Karnataka during 2016-17. Hand grip strength was used as a proxy for physical performance among school students. Standardized paper pencil tests were used to assess educational stress. Apart from descriptive statistics Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was calculated using SPSS. The findings are discussed in detail. On the basis of the results of the present study it has been concluded that there was significantly negative linear relationship of handgrip strength with educational stress in adolescent girls of Karnataka.
Pages: 1008-1010  |  926 Views  64 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Ramesh Naik K, Dr Gajanana Prabhu B, Dr. J Gnanabakthan. Association between physical performances with educational stress of female adolescent. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2017;2(2):1008-1010.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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