2017, Vol. 2, Issue 2
Influence of various streams on decision making ability and intelligence of college female students
Author(s): Kuldeep Kumar and Dr. Ajit Singh
The purpose of the study was to study influence of intelligence on decision making of college students. To achieve this purpose of the study, hundred female students of P.G.G.C, Sector-42 Chandigarh, were randomly selected, in the age group of eighteen to twenty two years. The selected sub-jects were from five different streams i.e., B.Sc. Medical, B. Sc. Non-Medical, B. Com., B.C.A and B.A. and from each group twenty students were selected. The collection of the data through questionnaires: Intelligence and risk taking ability. The analysis of the data was done by using Mean and S.D, One Way ANOVA and Product Moment Correlation. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The results of the study suggests that there is no relationship found between the intelligence and decision making ability of the females.
Pages: 1085-1087 | 1236 Views 139 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Kuldeep Kumar, Dr. Ajit Singh. Influence of various streams on decision making ability and intelligence of college female students. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2017;2(2):1085-1087.