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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2017, Vol. 2, Issue 2
The difference effect between ice massage and myofascial trigger point dry needling to reduce lactic acid in delay onset muscle soreness (Doms)
Author(s): Sevy Astriyana, Muchsin Doewes and Sapta Kunta Purnama
Delay onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is associated with excessive muscle work due to the eccentric muscle contraction, that cause the accumulation metabolic residue called lactic acid. This study aimed to know the difference effect among ice massage and dry needling to reduce the levels of lactic acid. This research is an experimental study with pretest-posttest design. Twenty subjects that consist of physical therapystudents were divided into two experiment groups. All respondents were given an interval training in first session to trigger accumulation of lactic acid. The data of lactic acid levels was taken on the second day of the experiment while the DOMS appeared. The respondent lactic acid were checked before and after, they were given the treatment based on the experiment groups. The technique of analysis data used independen t-test. There is difference effect between ice massage and myofascial trigger point dry needling to reduce lactic acid in delay onset muscle sorenees. myofascial trigger point dry needling interfere mechanical, neurophysiologic and chemical in soft tissue. It also has gate control theory mechanism that inhibit pain related to delay onset muscle soreness. Myofascial trigger point dry needling has different effect to reduce lactic acid than ice massage was proved by p 0, 046< 0, 05.
Pages: 266-268  |  1496 Views  302 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Sevy Astriyana, Muchsin Doewes, Sapta Kunta Purnama. The difference effect between ice massage and myofascial trigger point dry needling to reduce lactic acid in delay onset muscle soreness (Doms). Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2017;2(2):266-268.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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