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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2017, Vol. 2, Issue 2
Assessment of Relative Strength between South Asian And All India Inter University Male Weightlifters
Author(s): Sarfraj Alam, Dr. Vijay Francis Peter and Sameer khan
The purpose of this study was to assessment of the relative strength between south Asian and all India inter university male weightlifters.
Objectives: To compare the relative strength between 12th south Asian Games and All India University the different weight categories.
Methodology: The main purpose of this study was purposive selected from the between “12th SOUTH ASIAN GAMES” and All India university for the year 2016-17. Male weightlifters participated in various weight categories, acted as the subjects. The age of the subjects ranged from 18-30 years.The total subjects were sixteen (60), each group thirty (30) subject were selected and weight categories selected from (62 kg, 69 kg, 77 kg, 85 kg, 94 kg, & 105 kg.)
Collection of Data: In order to measure the relative strength of various lifters of different groups, the data was collected from the results of “12thsouth ASIAN GAMES” for the year 2016, which was held at Assam, Guwahati and All India inter university weightlifting championship (2016-17) which was held at Panjab university, Chandigarh, The sum of the best 2 lifts Snatch, and cline & jerk of respective events total performance was considered as the scores of the lifters.
Discussion of findings: Analysis of the data reveals that there is no significant difference in the relative strength between 12th south Asian games and All India inter university various weight categories of lifters has been found in the selected no significance level, which has determined that different weight categories of lifters have different levels of relative strength. After applying the independent t-test it was found to have a no significant difference in both groups in their relative strength. This is probably due to the different nature of the training components and pre-requisite for lifters. These results may be due to a small sample size and other factors such as different types of body, differences in body composition, etc.
Conclusions: The lifters participated in
Pages: 309-312  |  1255 Views  147 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Sarfraj Alam, Dr. Vijay Francis Peter, Sameer khan. Assessment of Relative Strength between South Asian And All India Inter University Male Weightlifters. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2017;2(2):309-312.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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