Abstract:Objectives of the study: The purpose of the present study was to study relationship between Speed of kicking leg (During Instep kick) and Instep kick of male Soccer players. It should be helpful in preparing some training Programs to develop the Instep kicking performance of Soccer players and to help the coaches to understand how the speed of kicking leg effect on Instep kicking performance and vice versa.
Methodology: For the present study the sample consisted of 8 male University level soccer players were purposively selected from Banaras Hindu University. The age of the subjects ranged between 18 to 25 years. ‘Speed of kicking’ measured by Silicon coach pro7 in Km/h and ‘Instep kick performance’ measured by open goal shooting by subjects and maximum ball travel in air measure as highest performance of the subjects. For the analysis of data correlation (Pearson Correlation) was used. The level of significance was set at 0.05 levels.
Results: Result of the study revealed that there was Insignificant relationship existed between Speed of kicking leg (During Instep kick) and Instep kick performance of male Soccer players.
Conclusion: By the help of study it is concluded that there is insignificant relationship was found between Speed of kicking leg (During Instep kick) and Instep kick performance of male Soccer players. And it is also concluded maximum Speed of kicking leg was achieved before the ball Impact. The distance covered by ball during Instep kick in soccer depends on the speed of kicking leg during Instep kick performance.