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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2018, Vol. 3, Issue 1
A study of aerobic dancing and yogic practices on selected health related fitness
Author(s): Dr. Ashish Phulkar
The purpose of the study was to find out the “Effect of aerobic dancing and yogic practices on selected health related fitness among college women students”. Sixty women students from Savitri bai Phule, Pune University, India were selected at random as subjects. Their age was between eighteen and twenty five years. The study was formulated as pre and posttest random group design, in which sixty students were divided into three equal groups. The experimental group-1 underwent Aerobic Dancing (n=20 AD group), the experimental group -2 underwent Yogic Practices (n= 20 YP group) and group-3 (n=20, CG) served as control group. Aerobic Dancing and Yogic Practices were given as per the training schedule of five days week of twelve week.
In the study, two different training approaches were adopted as independent variables, i.e Aerobic Dacing (AD) and Yogic Practices (YP) were selected as dependent variables. They were listed as follows: 1) Flexibility Measured by Sit and reach test (in centimeters) 2) Cardio Respiratory Endurance was measured by 12 minutes run/walk (in meters) 3) Muscular Strength Endurance was measured by modified sit-ups (in numbers).
The pre and post –test random group design was used as an experimental design in which sixty women college students were selected as subjects from Savitri bai Phule, Pune University, India; the selected subjects were divided into three groups of twenty subjects each. ANCOVA was used to find out significant adjusted post test mean difference of three groups with respect to each parameter and Scheffe’s post hoc was used to find out pair- wise comparisons between groups with respect to each parameter. There were significant differences among the experimental and control groups and there was a significant improvement in Health Related Fitness.
Pages: 01-03  |  2034 Views  444 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Dr. Ashish Phulkar. A study of aerobic dancing and yogic practices on selected health related fitness. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(1):01-03.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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