2018, Vol. 3, Issue 1
A study of motor fitness training effect on selected physiological variables of goa university cricket players
Author(s): Chandu G Lamani and Dr. Pratap Singh Tiwari
The purpose of the study was to compare the impact of training loads on physical and physiological variables of soccer players. For this study, one hundred twenty (120) male cricket players are selected as subject. The average age of the subjects was 18-24 years as obtained for this study. Random group experimental design was employed in this study. The subjects were classified into three groups viz. endurance dominated (ED) group, strength dominated (SD) group and control (C) group; each group consisting 40 subjects. The groups were administered initial tests on physiological variables. After the initial tests, the training loads were administered to the two experimental groups, where no special training was administered to the control group. The training was administered for the period of ten weeks, five days a week in progressive manner. To find out the significance of difference between pre and post –test means‘t’ test was employed. The level of significant was set at 0.05 levels. To find out the significance of mean difference among pre – test, post- test and adjusted mean, analysis of variance and co –variance techniques were employed. The result showed that there were found the significant effects of training loads on physiological variables after ten weeks strength dominated and endurance dominated training programme and accepted the hypothesis stated earlier.
Pages: 72-75 | 1891 Views 318 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Chandu G Lamani, Dr. Pratap Singh Tiwari. A study of motor fitness training effect on selected physiological variables of goa university cricket players. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(1):72-75.