2018, Vol. 3, Issue 1
Effect of regular participation in games and sports on body mass index and fat percent among interuniversity level team game players
Author(s): Dr. Krishnendu Pradhan
The present study was aimed to assess the effect of regular participation in games and sports on body mass index (BMI) and fat percent among interuniversity level team game players and to compare the results with age matched Control Group. Total eighty eight (88) subjects aged between 19 to 22 years are purposively selected for this study. All subjects are divided into two groups i.e. Athletic Group and Control Group. The data was collected in two phases i. e. pre-test and post test for both the groups. In this study the subjects for Athletic Group and Control Groups were forty four (44) interuniversity male team game players and forty four (44) under graduate age matched different college male students respectively. The pre-test score for Athletic Group were forty four (44) male east zone interuniversity players of different games and sports from Vidyasagar University, West Bengal, who were attended their respective coaching camps for their participation of east zone interuniversity tournaments in the session 2015-16 purposively selected as subjects for this study. In the same time forty four (44) male students for Control Group were selected as subjects from different under graduate colleges affiliated to Vidyasagar University. In the next academic session 2016-17 post test data was collected for Athletic Group from their respective under graduate colleges only those who were attended their previous year coaching camps for the participation of different east zone interuniversity tournaments. The Control Group data was collected from the same subjects of pre-test samples from their respective colleges. In post test thirty five (35) male athletes were common to participated second and/or third time east zone interuniversity coaching camps as Athletic Group and forty (40) undergraduate students were appeared as post test scores for Control Group. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated by using formula of Fat percent was estimated from the sum of four sites skinfolds (biceps + triceps + sub-scapular + supra-iliac) and the total skinfold value converted into standard score from percent body fat conversion chart for men. Data was analyzed using Paired Sample‘t’ test by using SPSS, (Version 20.0) software. The level of significance chosen was 0.05. The results of t-test revealed that no significant differences exist between pre-test and post test scores of body mass index (BMI) and fat percent among interuniversity level team game players of Athletic Group. The findings also revealed that significant differences exist between pre-test and post test scores of body mass index (BMI) and fat percent of their age matched Control Group
Pages: 874-878 | 902 Views 119 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Krishnendu Pradhan. Effect of regular participation in games and sports on body mass index and fat percent among interuniversity level team game players. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(1):874-878.