2018, Vol. 3, Issue 1
Study of faculty and gender difference in research aptitude
Author(s): Daljeet Kumar and Dr. Ishwar Singh Malik
Present study aimed to find out the aptitude of post graduate students towards research. In addition, objectives of the study were to compare the aptitude of post graduate students towards research. Total 250 subjects; out of them 50 subjects from each faculty namely education, engineering, management, physical education, and sciences students were included in the present study. 20 students from each faculty were female subject. Simple random sampling method was employed for the selection of sample in the present study. The data was collected with the help of Aptitude Scale towards Research (Sood and Sharma, 2012) from the students of different post graduate study center of the Haryana state. Descriptive and comparative (ANOVA) was employed to draw conclusion. Results of the present study showed that the science and physical education faculty were higher in aptitude as compare to that of education, engineering, and management.
Pages: 745-747 | 1038 Views 204 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Daljeet Kumar, Dr. Ishwar Singh Malik. Study of faculty and gender difference in research aptitude. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(1):745-747.