2018, Vol. 3, Issue 1
Kinematic differences among the players/repetitions and between the sex in regard to calf raise exercise (CRE) for lower extremities with 15 RM load
Author(s): Umesh kr Ahlawat and Dhananjoy Shaw
Aim of this study was to compare among the players, repetitions and sex kinematically in regard to calf raise exercise (CRE) for lower extremities with fifteen repetitions maximum (15 RM) load. The delimited variables were temporal and angle variables of CRE. The study was conducted on ten subjects (five male and five female), weight of the subject was 68.1±14.98 kilogram and age ranged from 17 to 25 years. Each subject had performed CRE with 15 RM load for 15 repetition. Data was collected using two dimensional digital video recording systems for 2D analysis (Kinovea 0.8.21). Collected data was computed with mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variance, ‘t’ test and analysis of variance. The selected variables for the study were Maximum Dorsi Flexion Repetition Wise (MDFR), Maximum Plantar Flexion Repetition Wise (MPFR), Time Taken for Downward Movement Repetition Wise (TTDMR), Time Taken for Upward Movement Repetition Wise (TTUMR) and Total Time Taken Repetition Wise (TTTR). The coefficient of variance (C.V.) that is comparison among the players of each repetitions independently reflected homogeneity in respect to angle variables namely MDFR (C.V. ranged from 2.99% to 4.88% in 15 repetitions) and MPFR (C.V. ranged from 3.21% to 5.37% in 15 repetitions) but heterogeneity for the remaining temporal variables namely TTDMR (C.V. ranged from 18.67% to 43% in 15 repetitions), TTUMR (C.V. ranged from 22.09% to 39.64% in 15 repetitions), and TTTR (C.V. ranged from 10.49% to 33.81% in 15 repetitions). The comparison between male and female demonstrated significant difference in regard to MDFR (‘t’ = -2.750) and no difference in regard to MPFR (‘t’ = 0.849), TTDMR (‘t’ = 1.610), TTUMR (‘t’ = 0.986) and TTTR (‘t’ = 1.633). Analysis of variance (i.e. comparison among the repetitions) of CRE variables namely MDFRM (F=0.035), MPFRM (F=0.104), TTDMRM (F=0.274), TTUMRM (F=0.240), TTTRM (F=0.340), MDFRF (F= 0.122), MPFRF (F= 0.143), TTDMRF (F=0.517), TTUMRF (F=0.665) and TTTRF (F=0.375) were statistically insignificant at 0.05 level of significance. From the findings, it is concluded that the comparison (C.V.) among the players demonstrated homogeneity in regard to angle variables namely MDFR and MPFR but heterogeneity for the temporal variables namely TTDMR, TTUMR, and TTTR. There was sex difference in regard to angle variable namely MDFR and not difference in regard to angle and temporal variables namely MPFR, TTDMR, TTUMR and TTTR. From the analysis of variance it is concluded that the CRE are consistent for 15 repetitions in regard to all the selected variables.
Pages: 1062-1067 | 928 Views 167 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Umesh kr Ahlawat, Dhananjoy Shaw. Kinematic differences among the players/repetitions and between the sex in regard to calf raise exercise (CRE) for lower extremities with 15 RM load. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(1):1062-1067.