2018, Vol. 3, Issue 1
Comparative study of selected physical fitness variables between thrower and jumpers under 17 and 19 boys
Author(s): Pawiter Singh
The purpose of the study was to find out the significant comparison of physical fitness variable (speed, coordinative ability, shoulder strength, endurance, and flexibility) between jumpers and thrower of under 17 and 19 year age group. For present study, total 60 school state level male thrower and jumpers (throwers-30 and jumpers-30) with their age ranging under 17 and under 19 years was selected randomly from Punjab state. To analysis the data statistically found the significant difference between Jumpers and Throwers as mean, standard deviation, t test. The outcome shows that Throwers have only more shoulder strength than jumpers in both groups and jumper have more speed, coordinative ability, endurance, flexibility than thrower in both groups.
Pages: 999-1001 | 861 Views 113 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Pawiter Singh. Comparative study of selected physical fitness variables between thrower and jumpers under 17 and 19 boys. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(1):999-1001.