Abstract:Even though several measures of emotional intelligence are available based on different models, Salovey and Mayer’s (1990) original model seems to be more theoretically cohesive and comprehensive because it contributes better to the understanding of the different dimensions of the nature of emotional development, and most dimensions of other models can be combined into this. Many other theories were based on this model (e.g. Goleman, 1995, 1998)
[14]. This is how we decided to use Schuttetal’s (1998) scale of emotional intelligence, which is based on Salovey and Mayer’s 1990 model.
Attempts to describe the personality profile of the hypothetical emotionally intelligent person from the perspective of the five factor model of personality and drown some implications about the emotional intelligence construct from established knowledge about personality traits. The author discusses mixed models of emotional intelligence and examines the ability models of emotional intelligence, the author then analyses the status of the emotional intelligence in relation to openness to experience.