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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2018, Vol. 3, Issue 1
Relationship analysis of mental health and Enthusiasm among Inter University Kho Kho players
Author(s): Dr. Hoshiyar Singh
Purpose of the Study: To Search the mental health and Enthusiasm among interuniversity Kho Kho players. Hypotheses: 1. Boys’ interuniversity kho kho players will be significant high Enthusiasm than the girls’ interuniversity kho kho players. 2. Boys’ interuniversity kho kho players will be significant high mental health than the girls’ interuniversity kho kho players. Sample: For the present study 120 Sample were selected from C.C.S. University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh State. The effective sample consisted of 120 subjects, 60 subjects were boys’ interuniversity kho kho players and 60 subjects were girls’ interuniversity kho kho players. The age range of subjects was 18 to 25 years (Mean 21.25, SD 3.85). Tools Multi Assessment Personality Series (MAPS) (1996): This scale was constructed and standardized by Psy Com. Mental Health Inventory (MHI): Mental health inventory constructed by Dr. Jagdish and Dr. A K Srivastav. Variable Independent variable- 1. Gender a) Boys’ b) Girls’ Dependent Variable 1. Mental Health 2. Enthusiasm Conclusions: 1. Boys’ interuniversity kho kho players had significant high Enthusiasm than the girls’ interuniversity kho kho players. 2. Boys’ interuniversity kho kho players had significant high mental health than the girls’ interuniversity kho kho players.
Pages: 492-494  |  592 Views  183 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Dr. Hoshiyar Singh. Relationship analysis of mental health and Enthusiasm among Inter University Kho Kho players. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(1):492-494.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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