2018, Vol. 3, Issue 2
Effects of sports injuries on performance of sports persons of indoor game
Author(s): Dr. Ravinder Sumal and Arun Kumar
A great number of injuries occur in the context of recreational physical activities and competitive athletics. Adherence to sport injury rehabilitation means an injured athlete's compliance (or not) to a sports medicine/injury personnel's instructions of participating in a rehabilitation programme in a clinic, and/or doing rehabilitation exercises at home. The purpose of the study is to analyze the effect of sports injuries on performance of sports persons of indoor game. 150 sports persons (men) were selected for this study through the quota sampling method. The subjects were divided in five games players (N=30 from each game) of 18 to 25 year age. The objective of this study is to find out those sports persons who have suffered from joint injuries and after the joint injuries the condition/status of their body joint. Those sports persons have been selected for data collection that have represented at university level in selected five games (Badminton, Boxing, Judo, Table Tennis and Wrestler). For the data collection the standardized questionnaire was used on five game players. After the use of suitable statistical process, it may be concluded that the 84.1% sports persons were suffered from joint injuries during sports. It can be concluded that the game performance of players is low when players participated in competition after injures.
Pages: 54-56 | 1502 Views 208 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Ravinder Sumal, Arun Kumar. Effects of sports injuries on performance of sports persons of indoor game. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(2):54-56.