2018, Vol. 3, Issue 2
Conceptualizing dharana benefits of yoga to counter wandering state of mind
Author(s): Sadhna Dadhore and G Paran Gowda
Dharana yoga techniques are enshrined in the ancient Indian yoga text books. The main benefit of Dharana is deep concentration out of chaotic nature of mind resulting into multiple academic benefits or in advancing ones own carrier. In the present research work, the concept on Dharana Health Scale (DHS) has been developed based on these scriptures. A DHS was conceptualized, designed, developed, described and validated to counter the wandering state of mind. To test the scale, we randomly selected 799 adolescent participants. We used SPSS and AMOS version 25 exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to develop a valid and reliable DHS. The developed DHS comprised standardized regression coefficients with 69.53% variance. Internal consistency of the scale measured by Cronbach ’s alpha was found to be 0.96. Three different fitness categories of indexes comprising Absolute, Incremental and Parsimonious fits were also analysed and found to be acceptable within the limits.
Pages: 762-769 | 1404 Views 610 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Sadhna Dadhore, G Paran Gowda. Conceptualizing dharana benefits of yoga to counter wandering state of mind. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(2):762-769.