Abstract:Purpose: Prolonged stress condition results in the triggering of various diseases and these stress related somatic events can affect the quality of life. The present study deals with the association between quality of life and stress level in college students. Second thing the potential variables that influence this association.
Method: Papers of last five years published in scopes, Web of science direct, PubMed and virtual Health Library (BVS) were systematically reviewed. For this it was used the following search terms ; “quality of lifeâ€, related with the term “stress†and ‘students’ in the title, abstract or keywords all entered in a single search and connected by the Boolean operators “ANDâ€.
Results: Among the identified 124 articles in the scientific literature only 11 articles were selected for the investigation of the theme. On investigation, quality of life was frequently negatively associated to stress.
Discussion: The systemic review points out the negative association between stress and quality of life in college students.