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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2018, Vol. 3, Issue 2
Interpretation of resting ECG waves in 6-11 years trained male and female tennis players
Author(s): Amrita Biswas, Priya Nandy, Shilpi Kumari Prasad, Siddhartha Singh and Anupam Bandyopadhyay
Objectives: This cross sectional study represents the ECG of 6-11 years male and female trained tennis players. Structural changes that take place in 6-11 years trained tennis players and interpretation of ECG waves on the basis of Seattle Criterion were major objectives of this study. This study also reflects the differences in ECG recordings in both groups. Design: In this study, 13 male (age 9.08 ±1.66 years) and18 female (age 8.94±1.39 years) trained tennis players were participated. Stature, body weight, and lean body mass were measured by ISAK method. Methods: Different ECG waves and heart rate were measured by standard 12- leads ECG machine after 30 minutes of rest in lying posture of each player. The room was noise free and the temperature was maintained. Results: The QRS amplitude in female players (1.76±0.47mv) are significantly (p<0.05) higher than male players (1.35±0.39mv). Insignificant differences in age, stature, weight, lean body mass, heart rate, P wave, P-R interval, Q-T interval and QTC have been observed in two groups. Conclusion: This cross sectional study reveals that body size in this age group was not significantly differ. Insignificant differences in atrial depolarization, conduction of cardiac impulse from atria to ventricle, ventricular depolarization and repolarization revealed that electrophysiological activities of heart was not differ between two groups. Higher ventricular muscle mass in female trained players could be due to physical training. The interpretations of ECG waves in trained athletes which were mentioned by the Seattle Criterion as training effect, had not been found in 6-11years trained male and female tennis players.
Pages: 110-113  |  1122 Views  151 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Amrita Biswas, Priya Nandy, Shilpi Kumari Prasad, Siddhartha Singh, Anupam Bandyopadhyay. Interpretation of resting ECG waves in 6-11 years trained male and female tennis players. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(2):110-113.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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