Abstract:Background: A large body of research indicates that visual cues help to better regain and remember information. Imagery is a sensory experience that occurs in the absence of usual external stimuli. In using imagery, athletes create or recreate an experience in their mind that seems real-life like. Currently, most elite athletes use imagery and an increasing number of recreational athletes are beginning to use imagery as well. Here the researcher makes an attempt to summarize the research studies related to imagery intervention and its effect on sports performance.
Method: The studies were searched through online websites like google scholar, pubmed, shodhganga, etc. The studies were selected for the purpose, was again scrutinized by exclusion and inclusion criteria. This review was based on a systematic literature search, done during the period 2000 to 2017. Only documents in English language were taken into consideration.
Sources: Google Scholar, Pubmed, Shodhganga, Google
Summary measure: Effect of imagery intervention on psychological variables and sports performance.
Results: Total 73 studies were reviewed and out of 73, 19 studies met the inclusion criteria. By scrutinizing the selected studies revealed that imagery intervention can improve the sports performance in various sports. The studies done on volleyball, archery, basketball, golf, badminton, rugby, high jump, football and long distance runners, etc. 11 studies shows that the researchers chosen minimum period of training was 6 weeks and more. While summarizing the effect on psychological variables, most of the researchers selected anxiety, self confidence, imagery ability, self efficacy and attention. They given the imagery training by using scripts and audio video recording techniques.
Conclusion: By analyzing the review studies, it is evident that imagery intervention is beneficial for both psychological and performance of the athletes.