2018, Vol. 3, Issue 2
A study of plyometric and circuit training on muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility among university player
Author(s): Divyesh Kumar Patel and Dr. Ashish Phulkar
The purpose of the present study was to find out the effect of Plyometric and Circuit training on muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility among university player. The purpose of the present study was to find out the study of plyometric training and circuit training on physical fitness and body composition of university player. To achieve the purpose of this study, the researcher will select sixty (60) male university level players of different sports will be selected. The age group will be 18 to 24 years as per the college records. The selected subjects were divided into two experimental groups and a control group with twenty subjects in each (n=20). Experimental group I underwent plyometric training, Group II underwent circuit training and Group III served as the control group for the training period for this study was five days in a week for twelve weeks. Prior to and after the training period, the subjects were tested for muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. The selected criterion variables, such as muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility, were tested by using and administering, handgrip strength test, sit-ups test and sit and reach test. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was applied as a statistical tool. Whenever the post-test mean found significant, the Scheffé S was applied as the post-hoc test. In all cases, .05 level of confidence was fixed to test the significance, which was considered as an appropriate. It was concluded from the results of the study that the training groups have improved Muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility.
Pages: 208-210 | 1001 Views 163 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Divyesh Kumar Patel, Dr. Ashish Phulkar. A study of plyometric and circuit training on muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility among university player. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(2):208-210.