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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2018, Vol. 3, Issue 2
Impact of twenty-four weeks yogic practice on percent body fat of obese men in Shivamogga urban locality
Author(s): Thippeswamy B, Appanna M Gasti and Gajanana Prabhu B
Obesity does not result simply from over-eating and a lack of exercise, but is a consequence of modern life. The menace of obesity has not just limited to developed country anymore. It has spread its vicious wings in the developing as well as under developed countries as well. Practitioners of medicine usually define obesity as a state of person’s health, when the amount of body fat has risen to the point when it could possibly have an effect on his/her health. Study showed that among Indians, both abdominal and central obesity are present in male and female. The present solutions for reduction and prevention of obesity are limited and have adverse effects. Hence, it is prudent to explore the treatments from alternative therapies like yoga, pilate, tai-chi, etc. The purpose of the present study was to elicit the effects of twenty-four weeks yogic practice on skin fold thickness of obese men. The subjects for the study were one hundred obese men selected purposively from Shivamogga city. The subjects were equally divided to Experimental (N=50) and Control (N=50) groups. Their age ranged between 35 to 55 years. The inclusive criteria for selection of subjects were: BMI above 30, free of medications and free of illnesses. The data on skin fold thickness was measured by the investigator at seven sites and later on converted into percent body fat through Jackson/Pollock 7-Site Caliper Method. The data was collected twice during pre and post-test situations. In between a well planned and executed yoga training program was conducted on experimental group for twenty-four weeks. The yogic practices were performed on daily basis for about forty minutes in the morning. Yoga practice for twenty four weeks with specific yogic asanas, pranayamas and suryanamaskara are beneficial in decreasing percent body fat in obese men.
Pages: 280-282  |  1094 Views  150 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Thippeswamy B, Appanna M Gasti, Gajanana Prabhu B. Impact of twenty-four weeks yogic practice on percent body fat of obese men in Shivamogga urban locality. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(2):280-282.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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