2018, Vol. 3, Issue 2
Comparison of motivation and basic need satisfaction among the tournament chess players in Kerala
Author(s): Dr. Vinu Bhaskar and Jairaj J
The purpose of investigation was to examine the relationships between FIDE Chess Rating, gender, level of competition, sport motivation and chess player’s perceptions of autonomy, competence and relatedness in order to enhance our knowledge of the motivational processes in Chess. Three hundred Tournament Chess Players completed the Sport Motivation Scale and the Basic Psychological Needs in Sport Scale. Results revealed that Female Chess Players felt less competent and demonstrated less external regulation than Male Chess Players, while exhibiting more intrinsic motivation than this group. In addition, the results showed that Unrated Chess Players felt more autonomous and had fewer scores on external regulation than FIDE Rated Chess Players. Differences in the levels of participation also emerged. Specifically, Chess Players at the district level displayed less intrinsic motivation and less external regulation than Chess Players at the state level. District level Chess Players also exhibited less intrinsic motivation, less introjected regulation, and less external regulation than national level Chess Players.
Pages: 953-956 | 672 Views 148 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Vinu Bhaskar, Jairaj J. Comparison of motivation and basic need satisfaction among the tournament chess players in Kerala. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(2):953-956.