2018, Vol. 3, Issue 2
An analytical study of socio-economic differences between team and individual game players
Author(s): Dr. Sushil Kumar and Dr. Hoshiyar Singh
Abstract:The purpose of the study was to find out the socio economic differences between team and individual game players. To achieve the purpose fifty men team game players and fifty men individual game players studying in Noida College of Physical Education, Dadri, Uttar Pradesh, were selected as subjects at random. The age of the subjects were ranged from 18 to 28 years. Socio economic status was selected as criterion variable. All the subjects of two groups were tested on selected criterion variable by using Socio-economic status scale of Kapoor and Kocher (1984). The independent‘t’ ratio was used to analyses the significant difference, if any between the groups. The level of significance to test the‘t’ ratio was tested at .05 level of confidence, which was considered as appropriate.
The results of the study revealed that there was a significant difference between team game players and individual game players on selected criterion variable such as socio economic status.
Pages: 846-848 | 475 Views 124 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Sushil Kumar, Dr. Hoshiyar Singh. An analytical study of socio-economic differences between team and individual game players. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(2):846-848.