Influence of asana pranayama with mudra on stress among hypertensive Indian paramilitary personnel
Author(s): M Rangarajan and Dr. P Anandhan
Stress is the main factor contributing to hypertension among paramilitary personnel. Such disorders improve from yoga therapy, which also has less adverse effects. The aim of the present study is to find the influence of asana pranayama with mudra on stress among hypertensive Indian paramilitary personnel. To achieve this purpose, forty five paramilitary personnel were randomly selected as subject from group center and headquarters of 2nd signal battalion, central reserve police force (CRPF), Hyderabad, Telangana State, India as subjects. The selected subjects age, height and weight range were 39±6 years, 171±11 cm and 75±14 kg respectively. The average blood pressure of selected subjects observed 136±4 as systolic blood pressure and 85±2 as diastolic blood pressure; therefore the selected subjects were identified as hypertensive persons. They were randomly split into four equal groups known as group I asana with mudra group, group II pranayama with mudra group and group III asana pranayama with mudra group. The group IV would be considered as control group. The stress was selected as criterion variable and the same evaluate using Perceived Stress Scale as referred by Cohen., Kamarck., & Mermelstein,. 1994. The whole experimental program was implemented for six days per week for twelve weeks. In every day training session, the practice lasted approximately between forty-five minutes and an hour, which included warning up and relaxation. All the subjects of the four groups were tested on criterion variables at prior to and immediately after the training program for significance by applying independent ‘t’ test to find the initial and final mean differences on each variables. The analysis of covariance was used to find the difference among the group if the difference on initial and final mean. In addition to this, Scheffe post-hoc test will be employed to find the paired mean differences. The level of confidence is fixed at 0.05, for significance. The result of present study observed that asana pranayama with mudra practice had significant contribution for reducing stress level. The present study concluded that the asana pranayama with mudra practice has highly positive impact in the management of stress.
M Rangarajan, Dr. P Anandhan. Influence of asana pranayama with mudra on stress among hypertensive Indian paramilitary personnel. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(2):739-743. DOI: