2018, Vol. 3, Issue 2
Comparative study of selected mood state of sports person and non-sports person of Chandur Railway
Author(s): Aslam N Khan
The purpose of the study was to compare the selected mood state of sports person and non-sports person of Chandur Railway. For this purpose researcher has selected twenty (20) male sports person and twenty (20) male non-sports person from Rajarshee Shahu Science College, Chandur Railway, Amravati. Students were selected with simple random sampling methods. The Brunel Mood Scale was used to measure mood state of sports person and non-sports person. The questionnaire was distributed to the sports person and non-sports person and the same were collected back after having filled by the students. To compare the mood state of sports person and non-sports person paired sample ‘t’ test was used. Mean and SD were used as descriptive statistics, level of significance was kept at 0.05 level. Result shows that the Mean and SD of sports person in reference to anger is 2.6±0.88 & depression is 1±0.648 and non-sports person in reference to anger is 3.2±0.657 & depression is 1.7±0.801 by seeing the mean it can be observed that there is difference in mean, to see this differences is significant or not researcher further calculate ‘t’ test. The calculated ‘t’ value 2.387 & 3.036 were greater than the tabulated ‘t’ value i.e. 2.024 which shows that the difference is significant. Whereas, the Mean and SD of sports person in reference to confusion is 2.75±0.786 and non-sports person is 2.85±0.745 by seeing the mean it can be observed that there is difference in mean, to see this differences is significant or not researcher further calculate ‘t’ test. The calculated ‘t’ value 0.412 was lesser than the tabulated ‘t’ value i.e. 2.024 which shows that the difference is not significant. The difference may be attributed that as the students were from science stream. Science stream students were very conscious to their study, but those students who were participated is sports develop their level psychological factors and can manage their psychological level.
Pages: 2327-2329 | 66 Views 42 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Aslam N Khan. Comparative study of selected mood state of sports person and non-sports person of Chandur Railway. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2018;3(2):2327-2329.