Abstract:The main purpose of the study was to find out the relationship of high, middle and low athletic identity players of rural and urban players. The allied objectives of the study were as follows: To find out the help seeking tendencies for the pain and injury at the time of participation of sports. To find out the attitude of players to ignore the pain and injury during the participation in tournament. To find out the relationship of athletic identity with attitude towards pain. To find out the relationship of athletic identity with help seeking tendencies. For the present study, data were collected from the 500 Inter university players from two universities i.e. Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati and Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj University, Nagpur. This investigation was conducted employing self-report survey methodology to collect the data the measurement tools used for this investigation contain of components. Athletic identity measurement scale (AIMS) developed by Brewer et al. (1993). It contains 10 statements to which the participants respond based on their agreement or disagreement with each statement summation of scores on the ten items represent the degree to which the individual identifies as an athlete Statistical analysis and interpretation was done on the basis of data collection. Subjects were classified into different categories of low, middle and high athletic identity. The respondents were male and female belonging to rural and urban area. The data collected was statistically analysed by using critical ratio, Mean, S.D., t - ratio, F-ratio and Correlation method.
Conclusion: There is a significant difference in risk taking behaviour of male and female players. Male players take more risk in comparison to their counterparts i.e. female players. Male and female players differed significantly with respect to their attitude towards injury. Attitude towards injury of male players is found better than the female players. There is a significant difference in attitude towards pain among male and female players. Male players have better attitude towards pain than the female players. There is a significant difference in cope behaviour of male and female players. Female players demand more help during stressful events, such as experiencing an athletic or exercise-related injury than their counterpart male players. Male and female players differ significantly in respect to their emotional and instrumental social help seeking tendency. Female players have more emotional and instrumental social help seeking tendency than their counterpart male players. There is significant difference between the risk taking behaviour of rural and urban area players. The risk taking behaviour of rural area players is more than the urban area players. Rural and urban area players differed significantly with respect to their attitude towards injury. Moreover, rural area players have better attitude towards injury in comparison to their counterpart urban area players. There is a significant difference in attitude towards pain among rural and urban area players. Rural area players have better attitude towards pain than players belonging to urban area. Rural and urban area players differed significantly with respect to their toughness. Furthermore, rural area players are tougher than the urban area players. Urban and rural area players differ significantly in respect to their cope behaviour. Furthermore, urban area players demand more help during stressful events, such as experiencing an athletic or exercise-related injury than rural area players.