2019, Vol. 4, Issue 1
Effects of sports specific training on selected physical physiological psychological and physical exercises personality variables: A study of college level students
Author(s): Dr. R Petchimuthu
The aim of the research is to investigate the effects of sports specific training with perceptual skill training on muscular strength and explosive power of male inter-collegiate Players studying various Colleges The subjects were randomly divided into three equal groups of fifteen each, of which two were experimental groups and one a control group. Exercise plays an important role in day today life, because increased demands and fast life approach needs a fit and sound mental and physical fitness. Keeping in view this important aspect of life researcher is very keen to find out the;’ impact of yogic and physical exercises on personality variables, A study on college level students. Keywords: Sports specific training, physical physiological psychological, college level students Introduction Physical Fitness is the capacity to carry out responsible vigorous physical activity and includes qualities in pertain to the individual health and well-being. Sports training largely depend on Physical Fitness. Physical Fitness improves the general fitness, health, organic functioning capacity, strength, stability of muscular and skeleton system etc. Importance of Physical Fitness or motor abilities is the main criteria in sports training. As per Sebastian Coe - says that, the basis for overall physical fitness is achieved by improving your respiration and your circulation, and to the end the most effective activity is running. The longer you keep running and exercise well the longer you will stay well. Physical Fitness is the basic criteria for every individual in the society. To lead a successful life an individual has to undergo fitness programmes in his daily life. It is an important programme for sportsman. Through fitness a sportsman easily adapts motor abilities and conditioning.
Pages: 856-858 | 1074 Views 346 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. R Petchimuthu. Effects of sports specific training on selected physical physiological psychological and physical exercises personality variables: A study of college level students. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2019;4(1):856-858.