2019, Vol. 4, Issue 1
Electrodermal activities of athletes and non-athletes
Author(s): Pawan Kumar, Vinod Kumar and Dilbir Singh
The purpose of the present study is to compare EDA of athletes and non-athletes in order to assess the tension, anxiety, cognitive workload, emotional and cognitive processing ability of athletes and non-athletes. As we all know, before sports participation, every athlete evokes low or moderate or high level of stress & tension. Therefore, it was thought to assess the stress & tension in terms of EDA of the athletes objectively. The study was conducted on 60 male subjects, i.e., 30 athletes and 30 yoga practitioners consider as non-athletes at the age limit 20-25 years. Purposive sampling technique was used for the selection of the subjects and descriptive research method was applied to find out the result. In this study, a Biopic instrument was used to measure the EDA of athletes and non-athletes and then further EDA of both athletes and non-athletes were compared at Kaivaladhama yoga research institute, Lonavl where all the subjects were taken for the measurement of EDA Independent t-test was used to analyze and interpretation of the data properly and systematically. After find out the value of each and every subjects, it is found that athletes have more EDA assumed that athletes felt more tension, anxiety, cognitive work load, depression etc. than non-athletes.
Pages: 611-613 | 946 Views 234 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Pawan Kumar, Vinod Kumar, Dilbir Singh. Electrodermal activities of athletes and non-athletes. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2019;4(1):611-613.