Abstract:Aim: The purpose of this study was to analyze emotional consonance among Physical Education teacher and coaches of the northern region.
Methodology: To serve the purpose of the present study 240 subjects were selected by random sampling technique. The subjects belonged to the Physical Education teachers and coaches of both the genders. Keeping in view the suitability and validity the Dutch. Questionnaire of Emotional labor (D-QEL) developed by Naring et al. 2007 was used to collect the data. Analysis of variance (2x2 functional design) was employed to find out the interaction of work class and gender among the groups. Mean, SD and t-values were also calculated to find out the direction of differences.
Results: The results shows significant differences between the two groups i.e. PET and coaches on the variable emotional consonance. However, male teachers and female coaches were not significantly different from each other.
Conclusion: It was concluded that understanding of emotional consonance would be very useful not only for these work classes but for other professionals also. So, while making selections or deputing a person in the specified job these differences may be helpful in the fair selection.