Abstract:This study has one fold objectives: (i) to know the effect of yoga Nidra and pranayama on selected psychological variables of pre diabetic male patient. Sixty pre diabetic male patients (30-45 years) from different parts of Gorakhpur were randomly selected and were randomized into three groups. These patients fully participated in all training sessions during ten weeks of the training schedule. During this practice they did not take any other treatment. All participants were randomized into three groups. Group-I - Yoga Nidra, Group-II - pranayama group and Group-III - Control Group.
Results: The calculated value of t is 0.633 which is less than the tabulated value of t which is 1.984 at 0.05 level of significance (p<0.05), therefore there is no significant difference existing between the yoga asana group and yoga Nidra group at the initial stage, before the training was applied to all the groups. The calculated value of t is 3.00 which is higher than the tabulated value of t which is 1.984 at 0.05 level of significance (p>0.05), therefore there exist a no significant difference in the stress level between the experimental group and control group at the later stage at the end of the training. Hence it can be said that the yoga Nidra and pranayama training not helped in remarkable improvement in lowering the stress level of the diabetic patient in comparison to the control group.
Conclusion: The subjects showing minimal to moderate stress level have shown no significant decrease in their life style after ten weeks ‘Yoga Nidra' and pranayama session. Even in most cases their sugar level is not reduced.