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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2019, Vol. 4, Issue 1
Comparison of aggression among different team game players of khelo India under 17 boys (2019)
Author(s): Atif Ashraf Wani and Dr. V Gopinath
Khelo India is a national level sports competition to encourage young players from urban and rural school across the country. Ministry of youth affairs and sports (MYAS), India launched Khelo India scheme to promote culture of sports and excellence in sports. Under the component, first Khelo India school games were conducted in year 2018, further it has been decided to organise Khelo India youth games (KIYG) from 2019 0nwards. In present scenario sports has become very competitive. In fact, competitive sports are self-beyond sports. The ethical qualities such as justice, equality, solidarity, cooperation, friendship, honesty and so on, play a very important part in the development of adolescents. Sports competition without aggression is a body without soul, competition and aggression are twins. The relationship between different sports and aggression has been studied extensively for professional players. The investigators have an incomplete understanding of the association between these two for young (U17 YEARS) sports person participating in Khelo India 2019. In the present study the researcher has select 154 players. In these 154 players the researcher had select 47 players from volleyball, 44 basketball players, 29 badminton players, 21 kho-kho players and 13 kabadi players. All the subjects were selected randomly from Khelo India Youth Games (KIYG), held at Maharashtra, India 2019. The criterion measure chosen to test the hypothesis was the score obtain in sports personality questionnaire (SPQ20) from my skill profile. For the purpose of the analysis of data one way ANOVA was employed to compare the mean among the different sports players. Further scheffe’s post hoc test was used to find out the paired mean difference. It was concluded that volleyball players are less aggression than kabaddi, badminton, kho-kho and basketball players of U17 year’s boys of Khelo India Youth Games 2019.
Pages: 1664-1667  |  1368 Views  344 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Atif Ashraf Wani, Dr. V Gopinath. Comparison of aggression among different team game players of khelo India under 17 boys (2019). Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2019;4(1):1664-1667.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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