Abstract:Sports and Media always share a long history of relationship. Without one other can’t exist. Bollywood Sports Movies not only filled with mere inspiration or entertainment it also discusses a wide range of social issues in terms of Gender, Politics, Economics, Family, Education etc. All other issues come under any of this heading. This project tries to expedite the ways and turns of Sports Movies as an effective vehicle to bear appropriate time based interventions in the society. The Bollywood sports movies brings light to the life of athletes to whom we are familiar as well as unfamiliar the highs and lows in a particular sports event in connection with competitions as well as emotional state.
Gender, Politics, Economics, Family, Education In sports- all these are comes the environment of sociology. When we took Gender, we can identify that all societies were not give equal opportunities to men and women to participate in sports. Some societies possess with different cultural, ethnical, religious background favours or diminish the participation of physical activities. Women who were always force to remain hided in the particular spheres even if in sports. The role assumes to a women by that is not only constructed in terms of biology but also socially. The Bollywood sports movies communicate the concept of gender through its powerful characterisation. Politics comes to sports serves as symbol of powers. Sports can be put to political use to gain, to keep, demonstrate or increase the power. The Movies highlights the issues creating by the inappropriate intervention of politics in sports which creates degeneration in society. Economics sums up the involvement sports in every spheres of life. Economic considerations sometimes restrict the growth of sports as it resides in only in one side. Family which serves as a basic unit in each and every society drives the progress of society. Family as a concept, as an institution, as a social agent provides a lots to society. Its contribution is very well established in majority of sports movies. Education acts a light in darkness. It is the torch holder of various social, emotional, cultural values of a society form one generation to another. Sports as an integral part of education have its own role and place in the society. Sports Movies in Bollywood directly as well as indirectly influences the educational sector of country. The need and importance of providing education to each and every one is understood while us watching this movie.
At times it makes Social Impacts in the society due to its way and style of presentation. Controversies were always seems as a tool to be aware of the issues prevailing in the sports field as well as other fields in the society. Here the journey of Bollywood Sports Movies begins to explore the Social issues tiding in the society.