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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2019, Vol. 4, Issue 1
Introduction to biomechanics and role of computer science in biomechanics for enhanced accuracy and performance of a sportsman
Author(s): Deepak Dhaka and Reena Hooda
Biomechanics is interdisciplinary approach that is based on other Sciences like Biology, Physics Mathematics, Computer Science and even on the Psychology. If we compare today’s fast competitive and populated world with ancient time, ancient time was peaceful, healthy and less populated that practiced traditional techniques while working or playing, they had their own ideology how to sit & sleep. In today’s scenario, we are running to catch a bus or train, working day & night and sleep whenever wherever we find a place after long sitting and exhausting mind. We don't care about the posture of sleeping, place etc., therefore molding our healthy active posture to lazy or curved or Sleepy. This is a common problem more specifically if we talked about the professional sportsmen who have to perform specific activities for their regular exercises and fit for their sports. Now competition is more, sportsman, coaches trying hard to innovate new techniques for better outcomes. They demands sophisticated environment, instruments for exercises, play efficiently and achieve better results. Biomechanics is the study & analysis of human body, its structure, physical parts, behavioral aspects, energy level and required force for a particular motion while making balance between the power of bones, muscles and movement of joints. Computer science aids in Biomechanics to study, analyze and compute results more accurately while maintaining the consistency in different circumstances. Advent of advance computing tools, information technology it is easier to calculate the required energy percentile and force absolutely along with taking qualitative factors in consideration. Computing Technology gives quick display of certain activities from different angles of motion and distance from the target outcome. Computing technology in biomechanics helps in designing & development of new equipment, advanced instruments depending on the investigation of the participants. Present paper highlights the introductory part of biomechanics, its advantages and applicability of computer science in enhancing the performance along with the major issues of concern.
Pages: 1742-1744  |  1059 Views  282 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Deepak Dhaka, Reena Hooda. Introduction to biomechanics and role of computer science in biomechanics for enhanced accuracy and performance of a sportsman. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2019;4(1):1742-1744.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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