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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2019, Vol. 4, Issue 1
Interest of physical education teachers working in physical education colleges of Maharashtra state towards the paper publication in a variety of journals at international and national level
Author(s): Dr. Pravin Chandrabhan Dabre and Dr. Virendra Shivsing Jadhao
The developments of the human being start with the birth. The physical development could be possible with the help of physical activities, like walking, running, hopping, jumping, swimming and cycling etc. Total 100 physical education colleges affiliated to 10 different universities in Maharashtra were the population of this study. Out of these 9 colleges were granted and 91 colleges were non-granted. From these colleges total 500 physical education teachers were selected by random method. Data was collected from these selected 500 physical education teachers with the help of questionnaire. Actually completely filled 450 questionnaires were received; hence these 450 questionnaires were used for statistical analysis. From the discussions it could be concluded that the Physical Education teachers were very much aware about the profession. Physical Education Teachers were publishing scientific materials at National/ International Level. No doubt the Physical education teachers were passionate about the National/International Level publications but comparison shows that teachers published less work than in International as compared to the National Publication. The publication at International is at very low compare to National level. Though the total publication was not as good as expected it is below the 50percent.
The developments of the human being start with the birth. The physical development could be possible with the help of physical activities, like walking, running, hopping, jumping, swimming and cycling etc. These activities satisfied the primary need of the growth and development. However, this is the necessary condition for the healthy living but not sufficient condition for the human being as social livings. There are many factors, which affects the social life of the human being. Job and the earning source had great impact on the social behavior and social life.
Nowadays in the higher education system is changing very rapidly. Expectation of society from teachers is that they should be professionals. In higher education research based approach is the need of present era. If the standard of work of the Physical Education Teachers were decided considering the qualification, they must produce the knowledge through research work. It is necessary for the Physical Education Teachers to know his own duty part and working accordingly. They will get still more satisfaction in this manner.
Pages: 1825-1827  |  896 Views  160 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Dr. Pravin Chandrabhan Dabre, Dr. Virendra Shivsing Jadhao. Interest of physical education teachers working in physical education colleges of Maharashtra state towards the paper publication in a variety of journals at international and national level. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2019;4(1):1825-1827.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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