2019, Vol. 4, Issue 1
Marital adjustment and job satisfaction of physical education teachers
Author(s): Ranjit Singh
The purpose of the present study was to examine the marital adjustment and job satisfaction among physical education teachers working in Patiala district of Punjab. Marital satisfaction has remained a topic of great interest worldwide. Association has been postulated between marital satisfaction and job satisfaction. There is, however, a paucity of research on marital satisfaction in Patiala district of Punjab, particularly in relation to job satisfaction. Marital satisfaction has remained a topic of great interest worldwide. Association has been postulated between marital satisfaction and job satisfaction. There is, however, a paucity of research on marital satisfaction, particularly in relation to job satisfaction. The sample included 100 physical education teachers (50male and 50female) selected by random sampling method. Tool used (Teacher’s job satisfaction questionnaire by Dr. Parmod Kumar and Dr. D.N. Muthu and Marital Adjustment questionnaire by Dr. Parmod Kumar and Dr. Kanchan Rohatgi).The collected data was analyzed by dependent T-Test analysis showed there is a significant difference. The results were analyzed by the SPSS software.
Pages: 1787-1789 | 934 Views 257 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Ranjit Singh. Marital adjustment and job satisfaction of physical education teachers. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2019;4(1):1787-1789.