2019, Vol. 4, Issue 1
Effect of yoga asana training program on selected motor ability, physiological & psychological variables of football players of Nasik district
Author(s): Jivan W Mohod and Dr. AM Asanare
The objective of the study physical fitness has become a national concern. Health problems are rising to epidemic proportions. Despite advances in technology and medicine, the quality of life leaves much to be desired. In addition to early deaths, temporary and chronic illness and disabilities sap the strength and vitality of our nation. Crores of rupees are spent in hospital and medical care. Much of this tragic draining of our human and economic resources is the result of factors that require a broader look at physical fitness and methods for achieving it. For this study a total No. of 60 Football players of Nasik district were selected as sample of the study, using simple random sampling technique for select sample from Nasik district. and they equally divided into 30 each experimental and control group. The age, height and weight of the selected subjects ranged from seventeen to twenty years, 160 to 172 centimeters and 55 to 70 Kilograms respectively and the means were 18 years 2 months, 168 centimeters and 64 kilograms respectively. The experimental group underwent Yogic training program for twelve weeks and the subjects in control group were not engaged in any activity during this Yogic training period. Random group design, involving 60 students divided into two groups of 30 each, was used in this study. The control group "A" was not subjected to any treatment during experimental period whereas experimental group "B" was subjected to the experimental treatment during the period of experiment, group "B" was given yogic training daily for a period of twelve weeks, excluding Saturday and Sunday. The analysis of covariance on the data obtained for speed, Agility, Explosive power, Resting pulse rate, Skin temperature, Breath holding time & Self concept of the pre and post tests of the control and experimental groups have been presented in table no. 1. The table shown that scores means of control and experimental group were 7.13 sec & 6.61 sec, 11.02 sec & 10.21 sec, 2.15 m & 2.26 m, 73.72 b/m & 71.51 b/m, 98.30 F & 98.30 F, 40.38 sec & 42.62 sec, 151.62 marks & 154.45 marks respectively. The results of the study indicate that there were significant difference between the means of control and experimental groups. Since the obtained ‘F’ values were respectively 240.35, 129.18, 82.23, 81.64, 0.10, 51.63 & 13.69 were higher than the table value 4.01, the results becomes significant & the research hypothesis accepted.
Pages: 163-165 | 999 Views 217 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Jivan W Mohod, Dr. AM Asanare. Effect of yoga asana training program on selected motor ability, physiological & psychological variables of football players of Nasik district. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2019;4(1):163-165.