Abstract:The Purpose of the study was to find Correlation between Dependent Variable (High Jump Performance) and Independent Variables (Selected Angular Kinematical Variables) during Take-off of Fosbury-Flop Technique.
Selection of Subjects: Universe of the Study: The study was confined to India only. Sampling Frame: Subjects were selected as a sampling frame from India only and their age was ranging from 16 to 28 years. Sampling Methods: Subjects were selected on the basis of purposively random sampling method. Sampling Size: A total of 8 male professional High Jumpers (who had been participating regularly and who have attained the performance level of 1.95 meters) from India were selected for the study.
Selection of Variables: Anthropometrical Variables: Age, Height, Weight, And Hand Length, Fore Arm Length, Upper Arm Length, Fore Leg Length, Upper Leg Length and Foot Length.
Angular Kinematical Variables: Ankle Joint (Angle of left & Right ankle joint), Knee joint (Angle of left & Right knee joint), Hip joint (Angle of left & Right hip joint), Shoulder joint (Angle of left & Right shoulder joint), Elbow joint (Angle of left & Right elbow joint), Wrist joint (Angle of left & Right wrist joint), Angle of trunk inclination and Angle of Head Inclination.
Criterion Measures: Age of subject was measured by Chronological Age in year, Height of the subject was measured by Anthropometric Rod in meter, Weight of the subject was measured by Lever Balance/Weighing Machine in kilogram, Height of bar/highest performance of the subject was measured by Non Stretchable Tape in meter and Angle of angular kinematical variables of different phases of take-off skill in Fosbury-flop technique was measured by Max Traq 2D / Silicon Coach Pro-7 Motion Analysis Software in degree. Max Traq 2D / Silicon coach pro-7 motion analysis software was use for Kinematical analysis of take-off in Fosbury-flop techniques. The centre of gravity of the subject at the time of different phases of take-off skill in fosbury- flop technique by segmentation method as suggested by Games G. Hay was recorded.
Statistical Technique: To Kinematical analyze of Fosbury-flop technique in high jump and to determine the key components of Fosbury-flop technique, descriptive statistic was used. To find out correlation between dependent variable (high jump performance) and independent variables (selected angular kinematical variables) during Take-off of Fosbury-flop technique in high jump, Pearson correlation was used. The level of significance was set at 0.05.
Conclusions: Further, mean, standard deviation, scores of angular kinematics variables in degree of during Take-off (Total Body Weight on the Take-off Foot) in Fosbury-flop Technique have been found as follow: Left Ankle Angle (101.25 ±5.78), Right Ankle Angle (106.62 ± 8.18),Left Knee Angle (140.25 ± 5.01), Right Knee Angle (44.50 ± 12.81), Left Hip Angle (149.25 ± 5.50), Right Hip Angle (138.62 ± 18.16), Left Shoulder Angle (32.13 ± 20.40), Right Shoulder Angle (36.38 ± 10.36), Left Elbow Angle (113.25 ± 9.21), Right Elbow Angle (113.25 ± 18.30), Left Wrist Angle (199.12 ± 10.02), Right Wrist Angle (185.12 ± 19.65), Trunk Inclination Angle (6.50 ± 4.11), Head Inclination Angle (10.13 ± 2.59) respectively. Insignificant relationship of Angular Kinematical Variables with High Jump Performance of subjects at during Take-off in Fosbury flop Technique.