Abstract:The purpose of the study was to find out the job satisfaction and job stress of secondary school teachers of Physical education of Gujarat state.
Methods: The population for this study was physical education teachers of Gujarat State. However, given limited accessibility to the population, as well as limited financial resources and time, this study used 400 physical education teachers (200 from C.B.S.E. and 200 from G.S.E.B.) were selected from different schools of districts of Gujarat state. The age of the subjects were ranged from 30-40 years. The NUT Teachers Stress Survey questionnaire and Job Satisfaction with 17-item scale consisted of five subscales of job satisfaction were used and EFA, CFA was used for statistical analysis.
Results and Conclusion: The job stress accounted 18.2% on work activity only, 33.2% on use of skills only. 5% on work relationship only, 7.8% on pay and promotion potential and 96.2% on general working conditions.