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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2019, Vol. 4, Issue 1
A study of frustration tolerance among inter collegiate female sportspersons of Maharashtra in relation to psychoticism dimension of personality
Author(s): Dr. BV Shrigiriwar
Frustration tolerance in intercollegiate female sportspersons was analysed in this study with the background of psychoticism dimension of personality. To conduct the study 50 female intercollegiate sportspersons (average age 22.07 years) from Maharashtra State were selected as sample. Frustration to reaction scale standardized by Dixit and Shrivastava (2011) and Hindi version of Eysenck's PEN inventory was used to gather data on frustration tolerance and psychoticism respectively. Quartile method was used to separate cases into high, moderate and low level of psychoticism. One Way ANOVA analysis revealed that intercollegiate female sportspersons with low psychotic tendencies also has higher degree of frustration tolerance as compared to intercollegiate female sportspersons with moderate and high level of psychoticism. It was concluded that Eysenk's psychoticism dimension of personality can predict frustration tolerance capacity of intercollegiate female sportsperson.
Pages: 1011-1012  |  917 Views  234 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Dr. BV Shrigiriwar. A study of frustration tolerance among inter collegiate female sportspersons of Maharashtra in relation to psychoticism dimension of personality. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2019;4(1):1011-1012.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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