2019, Vol. 4, Issue 2
Effect of aerobic and traditional dance on body composition among female adolescents
Author(s): Naveena Priya D and Glory Darling Margaret J
The human body is designed to work when it is active. Experts are of the opinion that the menace of rising disease and disorder can be halted with an ideal lifestyle. The study was conducted in order to investigate the impact of aerobic dance and traditional dance on body composition on female adolescents. 150 subjects were selected for the study and were divided into three groups of 50 each: the aerobic dance group, the traditional dance group and the control group. The experimental program of the aerobic dance and traditional dance lasted for a period of twelve weeks and it included sixty-minute training sessions three times a week. The dance training session of each workout lasted 40 minutes, and it involved high, low and moderate impact segments. The body composition was evaluated through the Body Mass Index based on height and weight. The finding of this study showed that twelve weeks of aerobic dance and traditional dance training had significant effects on the body composition of the subjects in the experimental group.
Pages: 400-402 | 963 Views 148 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Naveena Priya D, Glory Darling Margaret J. Effect of aerobic and traditional dance on body composition among female adolescents. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2019;4(2):400-402.