Abstract:We are all well aware that self-concept regulates the behavior of every individual and hence everyone must have higher self-concept of oneself. It is the higher self-concept which generates the feeling of confidence and courage. So, one must keep in mind the importance of self-concept as it can play an effective role for performance enhancement. An attempt was made to compare male and female athletes on various dimensions of self-concept.
Total two hundred forty (N=240) athlete (males=120 and female=120) from various disciplines such as handball, volleyball, Kho-Kho, and Kabaddi, from different, colleges like physical education, engineering, teacher education, architecture and arts and science group of colleges of sir remugambal education trust of Polur thiruvannamalai district (TN), were selected randomly to act as subjects self-concept questionnaire developed by Saraswat (1984) was applied for the collection of data. The t-test was applied to find out Significate difference between the mean scores of male and female athletes.
The results revealed that there has been significant difference between male female athletes on difference Dimenensions of self-concept. However male athletes registered their upper hand on the Variable social self-concept. No significant differences were found on physical, temperamental and self-concept (total).