2019, Vol. 4, Special Issue 2
Enhance reaction time for the masses and elite goalkeepers via smartphone and Blazepod
Author(s): Mohamed Prince M
Reaction time is one of the important methods to study a person’s central information processing speed and coordinated peripheral movement response. Visual choice reaction time is a type of reaction time and is very important. Athletes need excellent vision to perform well in their sports, and many athletes have turned to vision training programs as a way to augment their traditional training regimen. The growing practice of ‘sports vision training’ relies on the notion that practice with demanding visual perceptual, cognitive, or oculomotor tasks can improve the ability to process and respond to what is seen, thereby improving sport performance. This enterprise is not necessarily new, but has been advanced greatly in the past few years by new digital technology that can be deployed during natural training activities, by perceptual-learning- inspired training programs, and by virtual reality simulations that can recreate and augment sporting contexts to promote certain sports-specific visual and cognitive abilities. These improved abilities may, in turn, instill a competitive advantage on the playing field, underscoring the potential value of these approaches. This article reviews emerging approaches, technologies and trends in sports vision training. Introduces a whole new attitude towards exercise. Small, touch sensitive pods are used as visual cues to enhance your workout experience. The Blaze Pod mobile app enables you to precisely measure and analyze your drills in the most effective and user friendly way.
Pages: 07-09 | 3314 Views 1937 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Mohamed Prince M. Enhance reaction time for the masses and elite goalkeepers via smartphone and Blazepod. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2019;4(2S):07-09.